by Michael Sollis | Sep 23, 2022 | Arts Advocacy, Creative Development
When will the germs go away? Art, the pandemic and immunodeficiency “COVID-19 is changing our community, and artistic expression can share the stories of those who have been silenced.” MEDIA FEATURE: The RiotACT The RiotACT have published some reflections...
by Michael Sollis | Jul 20, 2022 | Arts Advocacy
Don’t leave us behind – creating a ‘new normal’ for the vulnerable “… the arts sector, with government support, must continue adapting its practice to ensure that it promotes public health, and provides artistic experiences to those...
by Michael Sollis | Feb 3, 2022 | Arts Advocacy, Creative Arts Industry
Can artists wake us from COVID apathy? “… we need new perspectives to change the national discourse to one that is bold, pragmatic, and compassionate.” MEDIA FEATURE: Limelight Magazine Limelight Magazine has kindly published another article of mine...
by Michael Sollis | Oct 6, 2021 | Arts Advocacy, Creative Arts Industry
Who pays the piper now? “The pandemic has exposed rifts between arts organisations and freelance musicians. We need to recast the relationship for everyone to thrive.” MEDIA FEATURE: Limelight Magazine Limelight Magazine has published an article I wrote...
by Michael Sollis | Sep 30, 2021 | Creative Development, Griffyn Ensemble, Southern Sky
It’s a small Galaxy After All “It is humbling to reflect how this incredible project started in a hotel lobby in Tallinn more than ten years ago” This was originally published in March 2012. A lot has happened in ten years: Since this article was...